Saturday, November 20, 2010

Did any of you have the same problem with me?
When you tried to leave your hair long.. you kinda get sick of it once in a while.. that you will always need to try to do something about it (since you cannot cut it)..

That's what I'm feeling at the moment..
I did the plait (of all kind on earth), I did the high bun, I did the faux bob, I did all kind of fringe.. and now my current love.. "the low pony look"

So easy.. all I need is to tie a low pony tail and back comb the tail a little.. perfect for summer and any outfit (with or without collar)

I took these pictures while waiting for the sun to go down so I can do my photo shoot for our new stocks (yep.. we still don't have a proper professional lighting and found the best way to shoot is at night .. so every time we did the shoot.. we normally finished at 1 -3 am T.T)

Doesn't matter how long and how much energy we need to input for an auction.. now the next auction is 80% done and on its way to our store coming Thursday :D

Heaps and heaps of lovely dresses and amazing pastel girly blouses that you will need for summer :D