Friday, October 8, 2010

N E W - A R R I V A L S
Our new auction is up on EBAY !!
Finally!! after having to redo half of the item descriptions due to technical error T.T
Here are some of my favourite pieces of the week!!...

I know many of you must be busy with examsss... BUT please take 10 minutes off your study time and check out our new auction.. just don't want anyone to miss out on these amazing pieces..

I think it's one of my most favourite collection so far.. I wish I could make a copy of all these pieces for myself..
Sometimes I wonder how other sellers let go of what they found.. as most likely you will never ever find the same piece again.... doing this auction made me realised how my wardrobe is looking pretty dull and sad.. It's pretty funny how this business work... we sell things that we most treasured and loved.. in returns for money to buy something that we don't love as much as what we sell.. ???!!!?? confusing @.@
Well.. I really wish to do some shopping for myself this weekend.. :D
Hope you all have an amazing weekend and please check out our auction :D


  1. hello! i found you through ebay and just wanted to say you have some amazing finds, i love them!

  2. wow!!! im loving EVERYTHING in this collection! heading over to your ebay store soon after... im lusting over that first white dress.... ooohhhh!!

    come drop by and say hello!?

    x Your Only Blackswan

  3. Thanks heaps to both of you :D

    I'm so glad for your visits and thank you for your compliments!! definitely visiting your blogs!!

    Have a lovely weekend :D
